
Our company has been announced as a recipient for the Deep Tech Startup Support Fund/Deep Tech Startup Support Project (DTSU).

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Galdieria Co., Ltd. has been introduced as a recipient of the Deep Tech Startup Support Fund/Deep Tech Startup Support Project on the project overview page by NEDO.


This project supports “deep tech startups” engaged in the research and development of innovative technologies that require long-term research, development, and large-scale funding to establish technologies and commercialize and implement them socially. Despite the high risks, these technologies are expected to contribute to solving economic and social issues that need to be addressed on a national and global scale (such as carbon neutrality, resource circulation, and economic security). The project provides support across three phases: (1) STS Phase (Early Stage Practical Research and Development), (2) PCA Phase (Late Stage Practical Research and Development), and (3) DMP Phase (Mass Production Demonstration). After the completion of each phase, if approved by the stage-gate review, the project can continue to the next phase.

The project is scheduled to run from FY2023 to FY2034, with a planned budget of 93 billion yen.

(1) STS Phase (Early Stage Practical Research and Development)
Supports the research and development of elemental technologies, development of prototypes, and the implementation of feasibility studies to determine the direction of technology development for commercialization.

(2) PCA Phase (Late Stage Practical Research and Development)
Supports the development of prototypes and initial production technologies, and the implementation of feasibility studies to capture key markets.

(3) DMP Phase (Mass Production Demonstration)
Supports the research and development of mass production technologies, design, manufacturing, purchase, introduction, and operation of production and inspection equipment necessary for commercialization.

We have been selected for the PCA Phase.
– Launch of a resource circulation business applying microalgae as an adsorption material for precious metal recycling
– Adoption Year: 2023/PCA Phase